(Vytautas Magnus University)
The participants of the discussion are: one of the most prominent young Lithuanian pianists, graduate of The Juilliard School (New York), VMU Assoc. Prof. Edvinas Minkštimas, Vice-President at HSBC (Washington, USA) Rokas Beresniovas, VMU Rector Prof. Zigmas Lydeka, the project coordinator of Lithuanian Diaspora Academy Vida Bagdonavi?ien? and the historian, cultural researcher, journalist, VMU history professor, Director of Lithuanian Emigration Institute Prof. Egidijus Aleksandravi?ius. The discussion will be moderated by Prof. Auks? Bal?ytien?.
In the roundtable discussion, participants will share their experience and insights about VMU’s unique features and the significance of raising the university’s competitiveness. Attention will also be drawn to service to Lithuania, ideas how to bring the Diaspora together and the ideas of Lithuanian Diaspora Academy, social relations and various partnerships with businesses and international associations, participation in rating agencies’ projects, charity and service to public life.
Apskritojo stalo diskusijoje – apie VDU Globalios Lietuvos kontekste
Diskusijoje dalyvauja vienas ryškiausi? jaun?j? lietuvi? pianist?, VDU docentas, „The Juilliard School“ Niujorke absolventas Edvinas Minkštimas, HSBC banko Vašingtone (JAV) viceprezidentas Rokas Beresniovas, VDU rektorius prof. Zigmas Lydeka, Pasaulio lietuvi? akademijos projekt? koordinator? Vida Bagdonavi?ien? ir istorikas, kult?ros tyrin?tojas, publicistas, Vytauto Didžiojo universiteto istorijos profesorius, Lietuvi? Išeivijos instituto direktorius Egidijus Aleksandravi?ius. Diskusij? moderuoja VDU prof. Auks? Bal?ytien?.