Sally Quinn, Katharine Weymouth and Steven Siegler, CEO of J.McLaughlin
J.McLaughlin has always stood for classic design with flair, much like Georgetown. This holiday season the M St. boutique — one of 45 sister stores nationwide — took its affinity with Georgetown one step further, hosting a holiday event to benefit the Georgetown Ministry Center in a ceremony featuring Sally Quinn, Katharine Weymouth, Publisher of the Washington Post, Frida Burling and the Ministry Center’s director, Gunther Stern.
“It’s important to us to be part of the community,” said President & CEO Steven Siegler, who flew in from New York to attend the event organized by Store Manager Lauren Colyer. “It’s always been what we’re about.” He said Colyer “has made a big difference” in attracting an exceptional clientele to the store.
Neighbors were drawn in by J.McLaughlin’s community spirit and, literally, followed suit. With J.McLaughlin donating 15% of sales to the Ministry Center, it was an event that did good as it was doing well.
Burling, known as Georgetown’s “patron saint,” described the diverse nature of the Ministry Center, which galvanizes the churches and synagogues of Georgetown to help the homeless — providing shelter and services all year. “We’re Catholic, Protestant, Jewish, black and white,” she said. “Everybody gets along.”
Quinn, for her part, expressed her admiration for the tireless charitable work of Burling. Having known Georgetown Ministry Center’s Gunther Stern and his father for many years, Quinn said authoritatively, “I think Gunther is a saint.” The prize-winning writer and author founded the “On Faith” section of The Washington Post. Recognized for her contributions to Literature & Style, she received a vase from Keith Lipert Gallery designed by artist Cec LePage, who is known, appropriately, for creating “sculpture with a purpose.”
Fans of the honorees filled the store, including Maggie Shannon, Kate Michael, Pallavi Kumar, Alix Sundquist, Mary Frances Monroe, David Harrison, Diane Peacor, Donna Christenson, Heather Previn of Adolfo Dominguez, Christine Warnke, Nancy Taylor Bubes, Jennifer Altemus, Page Evans, Mark Cohen, Lesley Murphy Lee, Leslie Maysak, Stephanie Slewka, Wendy Gordon, Rokas Beresniovas, Sue Hamilton, Mel Davis and Paul Fogg.