Violeta Bagdanavi?i?t? 2009 02 21 r AB Lietuvos paštas pra?jusi? met? veiklos rezultatas – daugiau kaip 20 mln. Lt nuostolis. Tai rodo, kad „tos dienos, kai paštas tiesiog veik?, jau praeityje“, o...
Versus žurnalas 2008 11 21 Toma JONUŠKAIT? Daugelis amerikie?i? ir europie?i? niekada nebuvo tokie sunerim? d?l savo ateities, kaip dabar – b?sto paskolos, vartojamieji kreditai ir daugyb? kit?...
PLEF svarba ir aktualumu tiki ir jo dalyviai. ,,Šis suvažiavimas yra ypa? savalaikis, nes jis taikiai puosel?s ekonomikos dialog? finans? kriz?s laikotarpyje kuris yra ypa? svarbus Lietuvoje...
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Big things are happening at @MCGreenBank – our new office is coming to life! Our fresh MCGB sign is proudly up, signaling our mission and growth. Now, we’re just waiting on the final touches – sustainable furniture and a few finishing details – to make it complete. We can’t wait…
2Today, I had the pleasure of visiting United Therapeutics Corporation's remarkable Unisphere in Silver Spring, MD, as part of Leadership Montgomery. It was great reconnecting with Avi Halpert, a valued friend of the @MCGreenBank, and exploring this cutting-edge, net-zero campus…
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